Technology : Programming

“C Sharp” Programming Language

C# is a new object-oriented programming language created by Microsoft for the .NET Framework.

Some advantages of the C# language are:

Familiar Java-like syntax

Fast learning curve

Object-oriented programming

Reusable components

Managed Memory

Less room for memory-induced crashes

May become an ECMA standard

May be ported on other platforms

Here an example of C# syntax. The following code shows how a class named “Hello” responds to an http request with “Hello World” in an ASP.NET web environment.

Note that this class implements the “System.Web.IHttpHandler” interface.

Additional Information on C# :

C# Language Specification
C# ECMA Standardization Submission (Microsoft)
C# ECMA Standardization Submission (Intel)
C# ECMA Standardization Submission (Hewlett-Packard)