Technology : Programming
ECMA 262

ECMA 262 Scripting Language, a.k.a ECMAScript, JavaScript, JScript

ECMA 262 is a European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) specification based on Netscape’s JavaScript scripting language.

ECMAScript is mainly used by Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator to provide client-side functionality to web pages.

It can also be interpreted by the Windows Sripting Host to automate maintenance tasks.

Other implementations include Server-Side JavaScript on Netscape Enterprise Server, ASP server-side scripting on Microsoft Information Server (IIS), and client-side scripting in Adobe SVG Viewer.

Additional Information on ECMA 262 :

ECMA 262 Language Specification on the ECMA Web Site
JScript Guide by Microsoft
JScript Reference by Microsoft
Core JavaScript Guide by Netscape
Core JavaScript Reference by Netscape